Cara Membuat Absensi di Excel. Dengan adanya teknologi informasi kegiatan sehari-hari dapat berjalan dengan lebih cepat, mudah dan efisien. Tidak hanya dalam bidang tertentu namun hampir di setiap lini kehidupan kehadiran teknologi internet semakin memudahkan pekerjaan kita. Tak terkecuali dalam bidang pendidikan. Dapat dipastikan kegiatan belajar mengajar dapat berjalan dengan produktif dan. Tugas yang saya rasa paling berat adalah saat perhitungan perolehan suara. Perhitungan ini harus benar dan tidak boleh ada selisih. Dari hal tersebut, kemarin saya iseng-iseng buka microsoft excel dan membuat rumus untuk menghitung perolehan suara di TPS. Ini saya gunakan untuk membantu saya dan anggota KKPS pada saat perhitungan nanti.
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This article describes how to create and to use two-input tables in Microsoft Excel. These tables allow you to test how changes in two variables affect one formula.
When you create a two-input table, you specify input cells in the Row Input Cell and Column Input Cell boxes in the Table dialog box.
In Microsoft Office Excel 2007, the Table dialog box is called the Data Table dialog box.
To create a simple two-input table, follow these steps:
Create a new workbook.
In cells B15:B19, type the following data:
Cell | Value |
B15 | 1 |
B16 | 2 |
B17 | 3 |
B18 | 4 |
B19 | 5 |
In cells C14:G14, type the following data:
Cell | Value |
C14 | 6 |
D14 | 7 |
E14 | 8 |
F14 | 9 |
G14 | 10 |
In cell B14, type the following formula:
A14 is the column input cell (which substitutes values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5), and A15 is the row input cell (which substitutes values 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10). These input cells must be located outside the table; they may or may not contain data. Because this table is set up in cells B14:G19, and because A14 and A15 are outside the table, they are valid column input and row input cells.
Select B14:G19.
On the Data menu, click Table.
In Excel 2007, click the Data tab, click What-If Analysis, and then click Data Table.
In the Row Input Cell box, type A15. In the Column Input Cell box, type A14.
Click OK.
You see the following results:
Take cell C15 as an example. The actual values that are used in the formula are from cells B15:B19 (the row input cells) and cells C15:G14 (the column input cells). The formula with the values in it would be 1*2+6 (for a total of 8). Excel internally substitutes the values in the row and column input cells into the formula in cell B14.
0 appears in cell B14, although the cell B14 is not a number format. To duplicate the blank value in cell B14, follow these steps:
Once the algorithm is identified they can then incorporate this into the keygen.
For more information about how to use data tables, view the following articles:
282852 An overview of data tables in Microsoft Excel