USB Callbacks. The USB driver uses callbacks in order to interact with the application. There are several kinds of callbacks to be handled: Driver events callback. As example errors, suspend event, reset event etc. Messages Hook callback.
I've built a couple of small PCBs with different ST Micro STM32 MCUson them, such as my STM32F072 breakoutboard. These boardsneed some kind of firmware to do something useful.
ChibiOS-RT is a small RTOS which hassupport for most STM32 MCUs, including a USB stack which can make theMCU appear as a virtual COM port (CDC ACM) on both Windows and Linux.This means that ChibiOS makes it very easy to start actually doingsomething with the hardware I've built.
This project is a collectionof small test firmwares for the PCBs I've designed and built. It'snothing fancy, most firmwares just blink a LED and start up a virtualCOM port where one can use the built in 'shell' to run small commandson the device.
It's very easy to extend the ChibiOS shell with new commands, makingit possible to quickly verify that a piece of hardware is working theway it should.
Get a STM32F072 breakout board. You'll probablyhave to have someone else manufacture the naked PCB for you but youshould be able to solder the components yourself. The STM32F072 MCUand the USB connector can be a bit tricky to solder, but other thanthat there are only a dozen small components needed.
Install a recent version of Ubuntu Linux on a PC. Personally I useLinux Mint 17.2 which basedon Ubuntu 14.04. If you runWindows or OSX the easiest way to get started is probably to installUbuntu in a virtual machine, but I'm not sure if it will be programthe board over USB using a virtual machine.
When you have installed Ubuntu, start a terminal and make sure thesystem is up to date:
Install some tools and libraries needed by this project:
Install a toolchain, that is, a C compiler, linker, C library and someother tools needed to build applications for Linux:
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Install a toolchain for ARM needed to build applications for the ARMcore in the STM32 MCU:
Use git to download a copy (clone) of the source code from github:
Use git to download the source code for some other projects(submodules) this project depends on:
Build dfu-util which is needed to program a STM32 device over USB:
Build the firmware for the STM32F072 breakout board:
Connect the STM32F072 breakout board to your PC. Put it in DeviceFirmware Update (DFU) mode by keeping the BOOT button pressed whilepressing and releasing the RESET button.
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If you look at the kernel logs.
You should see some messages about new a USB device like this:
Start the programming with:
When the programming has finished the board should reboot and the blueLED should start blinking. If you want make sure that it really isyour new firmware that's running, modify 'main.c' and change thechThdSleepMilliseconds delays in the 'blink' thread function at thebeginning of the file, build and program the board again and verifythat the blink rate changes.
If you look at the kernel logs now the board should also show as a USBvirtual COM port named ttyACM-something:
Start a terminal program and connect to the virtual COM port. Iusually use my own little terminal program for Linux,tt, but you could also use minicom orPutty which is available for both Linux and Windows. You can nowstart issuing commands to the ChibiOS shell, for example, try the'help' or 'info' commands:
You can now start extending the firmware with new commands. To seehow to do this, open at main.c and look at the function 'cmd_reset'and the 'commands' table. For example, to see an example on how toextend the stm32f072-breakout code to interfacewith a DHT11 or DHT22 temperature sensor, look at thestm32f072-breakout-dht directory.