Evan 101 Exam 5 Study Guide Answers

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EVAN 101 Exam 1

EVAN 101 Exam 1 Liberty University

Evan 101 Exam 5 Study Guide AnswersEvan 101 exam 5 study guide answers pdf

Set 1

  1. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), frame 2 is called
  2. According to Rawson (Introduction), Jesus’ incarnational model for fruitful outreach across cultures includes which of the following:
  3. According to Rawson (Chapter 1), the perfect love for which all humans yearn exists in the Trinity, and it holds the universe together.
  4. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), Jesus gives us honor for shame, forgiveness for guilt, peace for fear, and harmony instead of broken relationships when we…
  5. According to Rawson (Chapter 1), delving deeply into ____________ will provide new understandings of the gospel and help us see why it is such good news in every culture.
  6. According to Rawson (Chapter 1), John Ortberg describes the Trinity as “a community of greater humility, servanthood, mutual submission and delight than you and I can possibly imagine.”
  7. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), frame 3 is called Jesus.
  8. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), the Bible teaches that there is a God of love at the heart of the universe and that he made human beings for relationships of peace and harmony with him and each other.
  9. According to Rawson (Chapter 1), Genesis 1-3 reveals that God designed humanity for
  10. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), frame 5 in the Broken Diagrams introduces the
  11. According to Rawson (Chapter 1), as we enter the worlds of our friends by listening and asking questions, we begin to see the world through their lenses.
  12. According to Rawson (Introducation), displaced peoples
  13. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), frame 3 in the Broken Diagrams introduces the word __________.
  14. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), the “Broken Diagrams” capture all the facets of the gospel.
  15. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), frame 4 is called Jesus.
  16. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), which verses support Frame 2: Peace-harmony?
  17. According to Rawson (Chapter 1), the shalom – peace and wholeness – we see in Eden shows us the good news of the gospel.
  18. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), the word “harmony” will speak more powerfully to East Asians than the word “peace.”
  19. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), what are the invitations that Jesus offers?
  20. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), the word “fear” was added to the bottom of frames 3 and 4 to address people with a sense of
  21. According to Rawson (Introduction), why do we not practice crosscultural evangelism in a grace-filled way?
  22. According to Rawson (Introduction), by listening to and depending on Jesus, we can…
  23. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), sin is translated “crime” in Chinese and Japanese, so we must…
  24. According to Rawson (Introduction), abiding in and depending on Jesus to produce fruit in us, takes the stress out of crosscultural evangelism.
  25. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), through sin Adam and Eve lost life; they were sent away from God’s presence and learned that they would die.
  26. According to Rawson (Introduction), Jesus desires to accompany, empower and transform us through the Spirit as we live in union with Him.
  27. According to Rawson (Introduction), in John 20:21-22 Jesus tells us that He plans to reach the world by
  28. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), sin is the heart attitude that puts self first, thus dishonoring and breaking relationship with God and people.
  29. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), by God giving Adam and Eve an intimate relationship with Him and making them rulers over the world He had created, he…
  30. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), which verses support Frame 1: Broken?
  31. According to Rawson (Introduction), our motive in carrying out God’s mission is to hasten the return of Christ.
  32. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), “The Romans Road” shares the gospel story from a guilt-innocence lens.
  33. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), to “believe in his name” means to welcome Jesus into your life as King and Teacher.
  34. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), frame 2 in the Broken Diagrams shows us that the earth was filled with sin and death.
  35. According to Rawson (Chapter 1), Muslims see the following as shameful and shocking:
  36. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), to “receive” Jesus means to trust in Him deeply.
  37. According to Rawson (Introducation), displaced peoples are more open to the Gospel than they would be at home.
  38. According to Rawson (Chapter 10), when Jesus used the term gospelor good news, he always talked about the kingdom of God.
  39. According to Rawson (Introduction), in Jesus, the great culture-crosser, we have a companion, guide and model.
  40. According to Rawson (Introduction), the most crucial lesson she has learned is that __________________ in our relationships give credibility to _________________.

Other sets

1. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Three) in Acts 1, before the disciples received the power of the Holy Spirit to carry out the evangelization of all people, they ______________________.
2. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), people’s souls do not receive punishment because of a lack of an invitation to receive the peace of Jesus Christ, but because they will not accept His payment for sin.
3. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 2), believing volitionally is an act of the will, a total dependence and trust in Jesus Christ.
4. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Four) evangelism is going against the __________ of our culture
5. According to Dr. Earley, Ephesians 6:11‐12 is a reminder that evangelism is spiritual warfare. This passage states…
6. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), spiritual lostness cannot be remedied by human means because:
7. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Four) “the church’s preoccupation with maintaining the status quo and making members happy is contrary to ______________.”
8. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), to God, sin is sin because it is a manifestation of what is at the very core of our being.
9. Isaiah 64:6 says,
10. According to Dr. Earley (Chapter Four), no county in our nation has a greater churched population than it did ten years ago.
11. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 2), the prayer of salvation must come from a heart that understands lostness.
12. Romans 6:23 says,
13. Glorification means:
14. According to Dr. Earley (Chapter Three), which of the following is NOT a reason Jesus’ final words are important?
15. Justification means:
16. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Six) Jesus used the word pictures of salt and light partly because they were absolutely necessary in every home of His day.
17. Romans 10:9‐10 says, “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.”
18. Titus 3:5 says,
19. 1 John 1:5 says,
20. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Six) when Matthew 5:14 states, “You are the light of the world,” the world stands for ____________________.
21. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), what are some “bargaining” arguments people might use to argue their salvation?
22. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), one can find a full, clear teaching of a biblical concept from a few verses related to a particular scriptural topic.
23. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), every Christian needs to stand firmly on the biblical truth that Jesus is the only way to salvation.
24. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Five) the Greek word for “lost” (apollymi) at its root means __________.
25. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Four) the United States has over __________ million non‐churched people.
26. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Six) all of the following are true of Jesus except __________.
27. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 2), demons believe that Jesus is God, that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice was indeed sufficient to save sins, and that He rose from the dead; yet they can never be saved.
28. Sanctification means:
29. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), salvation is simply a matter of cognitive knowledge.
30. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 2), all three salvic terms, justification, sanctification and glorification, can be found in what passage of Scripture?
31. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), even though an unsaved person can perform charitable deeds and express kindness that reflects Christianity, at best he is performing those actions while wallowing in a sinful state – a realm that is offensive to God.
32. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Five) Satan attacks God at His only point of weakness which is _______.
33. Early in Chapter Four cites Justice Anderson’s work is missiology that states that the America church is the 4th largest mission field behind all BUT which country?
34. Romans 5:8 says,
35. According to Dr. Earley (Chapter Three), the scope of the evangelism in the Old Testament is the Jew and in New Testaments is all the nations.
36. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Five) which of the following principles is NOT included in Jesus’ all‐out search for lost people.
37. Matthew 5:3 says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs in the kingdom of Heaven.” The word poor, Ptokos, means “needy” or “poor.”
38. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Three) with the exception of the apostle John, tradition reveals that all the other apostles were killed for telling others about Jesus.
39. Atonement means to cover by virtue of providing a payment.
40. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Four) believers should adopt a Marine lifestyle in evangelism and live out their motto, Semper Fidelis, which means ______________.
41. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), even though a person may not feel they are a sinner in need of salvation, the truth is, they are a sinner.
42. Titus 3:5 says,
43. At the conclusion of the story of Zaccheus in Luke 19, Jesus concludes with a bold statement of his purpose in Luke 19:10 which states
44. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Three) which of the following was NOT recorded in millionaire missionary William Borden’s bible?
45. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Three) the Greek word for witness is
46. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 2), the topic of hell should be avoided at all costs.
47. According to Dr. Earley and studies from the Nehemiah Institute, (Chapter Four) Christian school students show a moderately substantial belief difference than public school students.
48. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Four) the United States has over __________ million non‐churched people.
49. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), a personal relationship with God begins when we become aware of our sinfulness.
50. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Six) Jesus used the word pictures of salt and light partly because they were absolutely necessary in every home of His day.
51. According to The Last Christian Generation, (Chapter Four) a failure of a young person to adopt a Christian belief system negatively impacts their overall attitude towards life.
52. According to Dr. Earley (Chapter Three), evidence that the Old Testament was focused on non‐Hebrews as well as the Hebrews is found in the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel addressing the nations in their prophecies or “sermons.”
53. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 2), Biblically speaking, the heart is the emotion and the mind is the intellect.
54. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Four) evangelism is going against the __________ of our culture.
55. Romans 3:23 says
56. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 2), the words expressing our faith in Christ are simply a confirmation of what has occurred inside us.
57. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Five) the Greek word for “lost” (apollymi) at its root means
58. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), people’s souls do not receive punishment because of a lack of an invitation to receive the peace of Jesus Christ, but because they will not accept His payment for sin.
59. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), the Bible teaches us that the true gauge for holiness is the severity of our sin.
60. According to Dr. Gutierrez, Romans 10:9‐10 teaches that if we want to accept Christ, we must:
61. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), the state of spiritual lostness cannot be remedied by human means.
62. According to Dr. Earley (Chapter Three), the scope of the evangelism in the Old Testament is the Jew and in New Testaments is all the nations.
63. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), the Lord Jesus Christ provided a payment for our sin even when we had no idea that we were sinners.
64. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Five) which of the following principles is NOT included in Jesus’ all‐out search for lost people.
65. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), before we can confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, we must have a cognitive understanding of all of the following except:
66. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 2), demons believe that Jesus is God, that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice was indeed sufficient to save sins, and that He rose from the dead; yet they can never be saved.
67. According to Chapter Three in Evangelism Is…, the Psalms provide little evidence of God’s passion for His salvation to extend to the entire earth.
68. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), every Christian needs to stand firmly on the biblical truth that Jesus is the only way to salvation.
69. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Three) with the exception of the apostle John, tradition reveals that all the other apostles were killed for telling others about Jesus.
70. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Three) which of the following is NOT a Great Commission passage?
71. Regarding evangelism, in Chapter Five of Evangelism Is…, Charles Spurgeon once stated, “Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that.”
72. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Six) when Matthew 5:13 states, “but if the salt loses its flavor… It is then good for nothing,” he means
73. According to Dr. Earley, (Chapter Six) all of the following are true of Jesus except
74. Sufficient means that the atonement was not only paid in full, but it was the only payment possible to fully pay for our sin.
75. According to Dr. Gutierrez (Chapter 1), Ephesians 2:8‐9 say that the payment for one’s sin must come from a source that is:

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