Racist Crackhead In Hollywood Gets Hit By Train

Racist Crackhead In Hollywood Gets Hit By Train 3,5/5 8280 votes

Woke Hollywood gets burned by ‘Charlie’s Angels’ box office bomb. Hit theaters last weekend with blockbuster ambitions and a defiant “girl power. MTD’s life story would be played by a transgender black dude from Detroit who was a crackhead attorney moonlighting as a private dick two steps ahead of the law for a murder he didn. A Hollywood fixture from Tarantino to Pixar movies, the one-time Black Panther is now. He talks about how getting sober led to non-stop work and stardom. For Jackson in the steamy 2007 racial melodrama Black Snake Moan, and who is intent here. Showed up on time, knew my lines, hit my marks.

Twitter did its thing.

A viral video of a white woman named Anna Lushchinskaya hurling racist insults and attempting to kick and slap an Asian passenger on a NYC subway had a happy ending. According to ABC7 in New York, Lushchinskaya, 40, was arrested at the 36th Street station and charged with felony assault.

The video of her antics, shared by Twitter user @PlatanoMan, showed her becoming irate after another passenger bumped into her on a northbound D train (note, it's almost impossible not to bump into someone on the subway).

The enraged woman begins to pull back her hair and tries multiple times to slap and kick the 24-year-old woman. While other Asian passengers restrain her and tell her to stop, she attempts to hit and prod the woman with her umbrella. Later on, she calls the woman and the man who restrained her a racial slur and tries to spit on the woman.

'Everybody was just looking at each other like, 'Are you sure you just heard that? Did you just hear that?'said Juan Ayala, one of the helpers, to Eyewitness News.

The woman who was targeted in the attack, who wishes to remain anonymous, said she's thankful Lushchinskaya wasn't carrying any weapons.

'I'm lucky that she didn't have anything like weapons on her -- like knife, gun -- because it could have got a lot worse,' she said. 'I'm lucky that people were on the train who were helping me, especially the first Asian guy who stood in front of me right away because he wasn't recording. He just stood in front of me to help me, because I know other people were recording, but their recording didn't do anything until later on when it escalated.'


This isn't Lushchinskaya's first brush with the law on the D train; she allegedly pepper-sprayed a man during the summer.

So this happened yesterday #mta#36st#nycpic.twitter.com/h3AqY6IP1n

— PL∆T∆NO M∆N™ (@PlatanoMan) December 12, 2018

— PL∆T∆NO M∆N™ (@PlatanoMan) December 12, 2018

READ MORE: Racist White Woman Angry Over Latina Adding On To Her Christmas Purchase

Some people think because we are in the Trump era that you can be as racist as our president and have no repercussions — not the case. A man in Chicago learned the hard way. He got a punch right to the face.

According to The Chicago Sun-Times, on Thursday afternoon a white man called a Black man the n-word “on the platform of a Blue Line CTA station,” which is a commuter train. The outlet reports, “Eyewitnesses said the white man used the n-word, the Black man can be seen calmly removing his button-down shirt and glasses before socking him. The punch knocked the white man back and left him dangling over the edge of the platform above the train tracks.”

Racist crackhead in hollywood gets hit by train station

The Black man screams, “Call another motherf***er a n***er. F**k wrong with you?”

See the video below, which has been viewed over a million times: Dub turbo vst.

Racist in #Chicago drops the n-bomb on brotha minding his business and catches the Blue Line to FadeTown. #TrumpsAmerica#Resist#3rdRailFade#Nah#PunchANazi2018pic.twitter.com/vFuc9n3a42

— BushMaster Flex (@theori) July 13, 2018

The man literally knocked the sonic rings out of him.

The man who recorded the video, 27-year-old Mike Kemper, said when another Black man tried to help the white man, he began yelling slurs at that man too. Kemper also said the white man deserved the punch, “My first reaction was … Yeah, [the white man] deserved that. I thought it was well-deserved.”

Other witnesses said the white man appeared to be intoxicated but that isn’t an excuse to hurl racial slur.

Officers did arrive at the scene but the “victim” was gone. CTA officials says the man who was punched has not filed a police report.


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Racist Crackhead In Hollywood Gets Hit By Train
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