Bush Gerts Serial Numbers

Bush Gerts Serial Numbers 4,0/5 4207 votes

Jun 02, 2010  Bush and Gerts was established in Illinois in 1884. We have serial numbers for the company through 1942. We can date yours with the serial.

You will need 2 things to determine the age of your piano:

1. The brand name of the piano.

Note: Some pianos will have more than one name for the manufacturer. For example: 'Hamilton' by Baldwin or 'Cable Nelson' by Everett. To make sure that you have all of the information you will need, open the lid of your piano and check out the name or names engraved or printed on the plate. Do NOT trust the name on the outside of the piano since in could have been refinished and a different name added. Mediamonkey gold final.

2. The serial number (NOT the model number) of the piano.

To locate the serial number on a vertical piano, open the top and look inside. Almost all of them include the serial number on the plate in a small 'window' near the tuning pins. The number will usually be a 4 to 7 digit number, but may include a letter or two. If you can't locate it here, look inside to the far left or far right as some manufacturers attach it there on a small piece of metal. It may be stamped in the wood under the lid, or as a last resort, pull the piano away from the wall and look on the back.

To locate the serial number on a grand piano, take the music desk off. It's usually stamped on the pinblock here. Also look on the soundboard, many of the manufacturers will include it inside one of the 'windows' in the plate.

After you have located the manufacturer's name and the serial number, you have two options.

  1. Either contact me and I will be GLAD to look up the age for you,

  2. or check out some of the links that I've included to see if you can find it yourself on the internet.

I do not do appraisal values over the internet or phone.


The serial numbers given on this site, located next to the year, is the LAST piano made during that year. They are not complete lists, but has many, many pianos included:
http://www.bluebookofpianos.com/serial1.htm#TOP and http://www.concertpitchpiano.com/SerialNumberUpright.html

Where to locate the serial number on your piano:

List of Piano brands with their serial numbers and age:

Find the age of your Yamaha piano here:

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Why we love to restore Bush & Gerts pianos

Vintage Bush & Gerts pianos were built well and were known for exquisitely carved cases. Some of the most beautiful pianos we have restored were built by Bush & Gerts. While the company only produced pianos from 1884 to 1942, they built a high-quality instrument.

History of Bush & Gerts

The Bush & Gerts Piano Company built pianos between the 1880’s up to World War II. Established in 1884, Bush & Gerts built excellent pianos in their Rockford and Chicago factories. Bush & Gerts had a reputation of being built very well, and their earlier models had some beautifully carved cases.

Serial Numbers

1900-22000 1920-62000 1931-72200 1939-73600

1905-33000 1925-70000 1933-72500 1941-74100

1915-55000 1930-72000 1936-72900 1942-75000

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